Being Fully Present

I read recently that mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment (Wikipedia) and in my opinion mindfulness simply means being fully present in the moment.  Most of us are challenged living in the moment because we were taught that multi-tasking is the way to go.  I am committed to live more mindfully because I realize that I have wasted a lot of time, which is a valuable asset.  You see once the time has come and gone you can’t it back!  I have lost keys, cell phones, I have gotten distracted while conversing with friends and loved ones, and misplaced my wallet or purse more times that I would like to count! all due to not being fully present.

So the next time you are at a movie, worship service, engaged in a conversation or out to lunch or dinner with a friend, please think about putting your cell phone away and certainly no texting while driving.  Life is too short, so give each moment your full undivided attention and  I promise you that you will create beautiful, lasting memories. You will be blessed, as well as you will be a blessing to others.



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